Start your content writing with AI

With our simple plans, supercharge your content
writing to help your business.

Basic Plan

Access with limited functionality

$5.99 / Month
Pro Plan

Everything in basic + Audio to text & Support

$15.99 / Month
Premium Plan

Access with limited functionality

$29.99 / Month
basic knowledge

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Jottingly AI for free?
Jottingly AI has a free package that gives 2500 words per month, 10 image generations and limited access to some writing templates with the option to upgrade to one of our paid plans starting at $5,99/ month.
Do I need a credit card for the free plan?
No you don't. Just sign up and get 2500 free words every month and upgrade to any one of our paid plans when you ned to.
What can I do with Jottingly AI?
From writing compelling copy, to creating attention grabbing Ad copy and generating photo realistic images, converting Audio to Text and creating AI Voiceovers - Our AI can do everything you need on a single subscription..
Is there a Chat option available?
Jottingly AI comes with different Chat options for different use cases that makes it easier to have a tailored Chat.